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- Medical Office   

Medical Terminology Series
Item: 202402E2G87194  

This Medical Terminology course will be helpful for any career that uses medical terminology such as medical coding, health information technology, medical transcription, working as a health care professional, or working in the administrative side of health care.

This course will help prepare you for jobs related to health care by teaching you the language of medicine, including an overview of how the different organ systems function, information about many different medical disorders, and information about diagnostic and treatment procedures. As a result, this course will help prepare you for related college courses and for certification or admissions exams that expect you to have an understanding of medical terminology. For example, this course will help prepare you for the certification exam for medical coders and for the HESI exam which is often required for admission into nursing schools.

This is a 12-week online, instructor-led course. Students have two six-week sessions to complete the course. During this term there are three start dates: August 14th

Medical Terminology Series
Item: 202501E2G87194  

This Medical Terminology course will be helpful for any career that uses medical terminology such as medical coding, health information technology, medical transcription, working as a health care professional, or working in the administrative side of health care.

This course will help prepare you for jobs related to health care by teaching you the language of medicine, including an overview of how the different organ systems function, information about many different medical disorders, and information about diagnostic and treatment procedures. As a result, this course will help prepare you for related college courses and for certification or admissions exams that expect you to have an understanding of medical terminology. For example, this course will help prepare you for the certification exam for medical coders and for the HESI exam which is often required for admission into nursing schools.

This is a 12-week online, instructor-led course. Students have two six-week sessions to complete the course. During this term there are three start dates: Jan. 15, Feb. 12, March 12.

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