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Course Catalog > Career Certifications > Business > - Leadership/Management

- Leadership/Management   

Certificate in Leadership
Item: 202501ME27231  

Based on D. Quinn Mills' book, Leadership: How to Lead, How to Live, a text used at Harvard Business School, the courses in this suite offer advice on leadership that can help you stand out as a leader among your peers. Video segments introduce Dr. Mills and other leaders who discuss such issues as how leaders become leaders, leadership ethics, and the differences between leaders, managers, and administrators.

This is an online, self-paced, open registration course.

Certificate in Leadership
Item: 202404ME27231  

Based on D. Quinn Mills' book, Leadership: How to Lead, How to Live, a text used at Harvard Business School, the courses in this suite offer advice on leadership that can help you stand out as a leader among your peers. Video segments introduce Dr. Mills and other leaders who discuss such issues as how leaders become leaders, leadership ethics, and the differences between leaders, managers, and administrators.

This is an online, self-paced, open registration course.

Some Title