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Course Catalog > Professional Development > Information Technology > - Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

- Data Science & Artificial Intelligence   

A Manager's Guide to Artifical Intelligence
Item: 202403ME20751  

In today's global economy, managers will need to know how AI can be leveraged to keep their organizations competitive, as well as understand the potential ethical issues associated with employing AI technologies such as deep learning, machine learning, and the various AI-enabled recognition technologies.

After completing this course, the learner should be able to:

•Summarize the major characteristics of the different types of AI

•Explain the Turing Test and other approaches to AI

•Distinguish between machine learning and deep learning

•Propose ways in which an AI can be designed to not cause harm to humans

•Evaluate ethical concepts as they apply to AI

•Demonstrate how natural language processing and generation work

•Examine how computer vision, robotics, and Big Data relate to AI

•Critique the use of AI in information security and the potential use of AI in attacks

This is an online, self-paced open registration course.

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