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Course Catalog > Career Certifications > Healthcare > - Medical Office

Medical Billing   

This program, powered by Career Step, provides curriculum developed by industry experts and includes training on a variety of healthcare payers, the payment process, and billing software in addition to providing hands-on experience with the common billing forms. As a crucial part of the rapidly expanding healthcare industry, medical billing is expected to add over 29,000 new jobs* by 2024, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Medical Billing
Item: 202403CS27102  

This program, powered by Career Step, provides the skill sets necessary to become a medical billing professional. Through this course a variety of areas will be covered to include:

- Using coded data to produce and submit claims to insurance companies

- Working directly with the insurance company, healthcare provider, and patient to get a claim processed and paid

- Reviewing and appealing unpaid and denied claims

- Verifying patients’ insurance coverage

- Answering patients’ billing questions

- Handling collections on unpaid accounts

- Managing the facility’s Accounts Receivable reports

Our strategic partner, Career Step, also provides financing options: Full Pay: Choice of Laptop, IPad, or Cash Discount with payment in Full.

Payment plans are available with content provider.

OPEN ENROLLMENT Fee: $3,399.00
Enrollment is open throughout the semester. This is a self-paced completely online program.

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