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Course Catalog > Professional Development > Business > - Accounting & Bookkeeping

Quickbooks Online Series   

QuickBooks continues to be the dominant accounting software used by small and medium-sized businesses. Today more than ever, the cloud-based QuickBooks Online is quickly replacing desktop accounting software versions due to its accessibility and flexibility. This course series will teach you how to manage your business financials using QuickBooks Online.

The Introduction to QuickBooks Online course focuses on key features of QuickBooks Online, so you can gain hands-on experience creating invoices, receipts, and statements; track payables, inventory, and receivables; generating reports; and more. The Intermediate QuickBooks Online course builds upon the skills learned in the Introduction to QuickBooks Online course. You will how to set up your accounts for different types of businesses, enter budgets, and how to track situations in which the owner uses or invests company funds.


Introduction to Quickbooks Online

  1. Getting Started
  2. Accounting Basics
  3. The Chart of Accounts
  4. Centers and Lists
  5. Bank Accounts
  6. Recording Expenses
  7. Paying Bills
  8. Credit Cards and Loans
  9. Recording Income
  10. Invoices and Estimates
  11. Billable Expenses and Customer Credits
  12. Sales Taxes and Reports

Intermediate QuickBooks Online

  1. Managing Setting, Users, and Accountants
  2. Product and Service Items
  3. Managing Inventory
  4. Customizing Sales Forms and Tracking Classes and Locations.
  5. Managing Projects and Sales
  6. Progress Invoicing and Bad Debts
  7. Payroll and Gift Cards
  8. Fixed Assets and Loans
  9. Business Entities and Owner Transactions.
  10. Banking Rules and Budgets
  11. Multiple Currencies and Vehicle Mileage
  12. Adjusting and Reviewing the Books
Quickbooks Online Series
Item: 202402E2GB98592  

QuickBooks continues to be the dominant accounting software used by small and medium-sized businesses. Today more than ever, the cloud-based QuickBooks Online is quickly replacing desktop accounting software versions due to its accessibility and flexibility. This course series will teach you how to manage your business financials using QuickBooks Online.

This is a 12-week online, instructor-led course. Students have two six-week sessions to complete the course. During this term there are three start dates: Aug. 14th.

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