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Course Catalog > English Language Institute > Aviation English Certificate

Aviation English 2   

Non-native English speaking aviators will build greater speaking and listening skills for voice-only communication in plain English.

Students must have completed Aviation English 1 before registering for Aviation English 2.

The Aviation English courses cannot be taken concurrently.


Non-native English speaking aviators will build greater speaking and listening skills for voice-only communication in plain English. Students will engage in simulated voice-only communication within the context of aviation topics (e.g., cruising and en route events). Students will continue to work towards or meet the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s Operational Level 4 skills areas. 

Aviation English 2  Class already in session...
Item: 202401ELI15101 Valerie Heming
Class Dates: 3/11/2024 - 11/15/2024

Course Description:

Non-native English speaking aviators will build greater speaking and listening skills for voice-only communication in plain English. Students will engage in simulated voice-only communication within the context of aviation topics (e.g., cruising and en route events). Students will continue to work towards or meet the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)’s Operational Level 4 skills areas. 

Textbook: English for Aviation, Oxford, ISBN: 0194579425 (Can order from Amazon)

App: The English Pronunciation Tutor Mobile APP (Language Arts Press)

Required Technology:

• Laptop or PC

• Webcam

• Reliable Internet Access• Android/iOS device with voice recording/uploading capabilities

• Headset

Android/iOS device with voice recording/uploading capabilities

Fee: $1,300.00
Class dates and times will be arranged with student and instructor. This course is completely online. Aviation English 1 must be completed before registering for Aviation English 2. March 11-April 19, April 22-May 31, Sept 7 -Nov. 15

Some Title