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Course Catalog > Career Certifications > Legal Studies

Paralegal Certificate Course (Textbooks Not Included)   

The Paralegal Certificate Course© is the cornerstone of The Center for Legal Studies programs. Paralegalism is one of the fastest growing careers in the country. This course will provide you with comprehensive knowledge of the American judicial system. It will also teach you practical skills, including how to assist trial attorneys, interview witnesses, investigate complex fact patterns, research the law and assist in preparing cases for courtroom litigation.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the number of paralegals to increase 15% between 2016 and 2026, much faster than the national average for all occupations.

The national median earnings for paralegals is currently $50,940.00/Year and freelance paralegal professionals average significantly more across the board.

  • Syllabus
  • Review the material as many times as necessary for full retention of the information.
  • Students benefit from direct interaction with the instructor and other students by way of e-mail and a discussion board.
  • Online course is available virtually any time, in the comfort and privacy of your home or office.
  • Student has 14 weeks to complete the online course (7 weeks for Paralegal I and 7 weeks for Paralegal II.) Please note that the course fee covers both halves of the course. Student may choose any session to begin the course with Paralegal I and they will be automatically enrolled in the following session for Paralegal II.
  • Student must complete both Paralegal I and Paralegal II to be awarded a certificate. (California paralegals may need to complete Advanced Paralegal course work to meet the requirements of California Business and Professional Code §6450. Please click here for more information.)
  • Once registered, your password and access information will be sent via email on the first day of class.




Paralegal Certificate Course (Textbooks Not Included)
Item: 202501LS20029 Instructor: 

This intensive, nationally acclaimed program is designed for beginning as well as advanced legal workers. Students will be trained to interview witnesses, investigate complex fact patterns, research the law, prepare legal documents, and assist in preparing cases for courtroom litigation. The instruction is practice-oriented and relates to those areas of law in which paralegals are in most demand.



Class Dates: 1/1/2025 - 3/31/2025 Fee: $2,095.00

This is a 14-week course. Students have two 7 week sessions to complete the online course. Tuition cost includes both sessions. The cost does not include required text and recommended text for the program plus shipping and handling. It is highly recommended students purchase the online WESTLAW legal research access for $89. Please call 1-800-522-7737 for more information.

Students benefit from direct interaction with the instructor and other students by way of email and a discussion board.

Some Title