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Course Catalog > Career Certifications > Legal Studies

Alternative Dispute Resolution Certificate (Textbooks Not Included)   

This intensive course is designed to train and qualify students to develop or participate in conflict mediation processes. Participants will review the growth and application of settlement options in the United States. The course focuses on both traditional and non-traditional dispute resolution options. Alternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation) is geared for all professionals who are focused on “interest-based bargaining.” This course takes the mystery out of settlement processes and focuses on reaching reasonable solutions. Successful graduates of this non-credit course will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.

  • View the Course Syllabus
  • Review the material as many times as necessary for full retention of the information.
  • Student benefits from direct interaction with the instructor and other students by way of email and a discussion board.
  • Student has 7 weeks to complete the online course.
  • Student emails assignments and exams.
  • Once registered, your password and access information will be sent on the first day of class.

Highly Recommended Legal Resource:

  • WESTLAW legal research access, only $89. Please call 1-800-522-7737 for more information. Order online
Alternative Dispute Resolution Certificate (Textbooks Not Included)
Item: 202403LS104020 Instructor: 

The Center for Legal Studies features in an online format the same Alternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation) Certificate Course that has been offered for over 15 years at colleges and universities throughout the nation. Through your computer, this course is available to students who, because of location or schedule conflicts, are unable to attend the popular live lectures.

Class Dates: 8/19/2024 - 10/4/2024 Fee: $995.00

Students have 7 weeks to complete the online course.The cost does not include required text and recommended text for the program plus shipping and handling. It is highly recommended students purchase the online WESTLAW legal research access for $89. Please call 1-800-522-7737 for more information.


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