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Course Catalog > Professional Development > Business > - Accounting & Bookkeeping

Accounting Fundamentals Series   

Whether you're a sole proprietor looking to manage your business finances or you simply want to gain an understanding of accounting basics for career advancement or for personal use, the courses in this bundle will give you a solid foundation in financial matters. If you're interested in increasing your financial awareness while also gaining a marketable skill, this series of courses is perfect for you.
Accounting Fundamentals Series
Item: 202402E2GB85372  

Whether you're a sole proprietor looking to manage your business finances or you simply want to gain an understanding of accounting basics for career advancement or for personal use, the courses in this bundle will give you a solid foundation in financial matters. If you're interested in increasing your financial awareness while also gaining a marketable skill, this series of courses is perfect for you.

This is a 12-week online, instructor-led course. Students have two six-week sessions to complete the course. Start: Aug. 14th

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